Publications - Supplemental material

Please find below supplemental material corresponding to publications of our group. Currently, we list 132 supplements. If you have problems accessing electronic information, please let us know:

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BIOINF 11-003: Near Intron Pairs and the Metazoan Tree

Jörg Lehmann, Peter F. Stadler, Veiko Krauss

  • Supplementary Material 1 - selection of NIP regions (partial alignments comprising all parsimony-informative NIPs; Text format) [zipped folder] (29MB)
  • Supplementary Material 2 - NIP character matrix and trees from figure 3 and 4 (two versions: as binary state matrix and with zero state coding; NEXUS format) [zipped folder] (1.8MB)
  • Supplementary Tables S1-S3 [PDF]
  • Supplementary Figures S1-S10 [PDF]
  • TreeBASE Study Accession: S13351