Publications - Supplemental material

Please find below supplemental material corresponding to publications of our group. Currently, we list 132 supplements. If you have problems accessing electronic information, please let us know:

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BIOINF 09-028: MITOS: Improved <i>de novo</i> Metazoan Mitochondrial Genome Annotation

Matthias Bernt, Alexander Donath, Frank Jühling, Fabian Externbrink, Catherine Florentz, Guido Fritzsch, Joern Pütz, Martin Middendorf, and Peter F. Stadler

Here, we provide the quality value distributions for
  • the initial hits found for the 13 protein coding gene families in the mitogenomes of RefSeq 39,
  • the sequences without the corresponding genes, and
  • the trinucleotide frequency preserving permutations.
These plots enable the user to assess the protein annotations by MITOS.

Here, the quality score distributions of the results of all 203 genome sequences included in RefSeq 44
added since RefSeq 39 can be found. They also include the score distributions of the di- and
trinucleotide shuffled data set.