Inst. f. Informatik   
Uni Leipzig

BIOINF 06-013 Supplemental Material

Identification of Homoplastic Characters
in Multiple Sequence Alignments
Andreas W. M. Dress, Christoph Flamm, Guido Fritzsch, Stefan Grünewald,
Matthias Kruspe, Sonja J. Prohaska and Peter F. Stadler

Supplemental Material

  • SOFTWARE: Noisy-1.5.7
  • Accession Numbers of the sequences used in this study.
  • Examples

  • Arthropoda.fas: Clustal X alignment of the nucleotide sequences of arthropods mitochondrial protein coding genes
  • Arthropoda_out.fas:Output file of the program noisy with cutoff 0.8 - nucleotide sequences of arthropods mitochondrial protein coding genes
  • Statistics of the alignment and the output of the program noisy - nucleotide sequences of arthropods mitochondrial protein coding genes
  • Arthropoda_typ.eps: Graphic of the distribution of homoplastic sites for arthropods example
  • Squamata.fas: Clustal X alignment of the nucleotide sequences of Squamata mitochondrial protein coding genes
  • Squamata_out.fas:Output file of the program noisy with cutoff 0.8 - nucleotide sequences of Squamata mitochondrial protein coding genes
  • Statistics of the alignment and the output of the program noisy - nucleotide sequences of Squamata mitochondrial protein coding genes
  • Squamata_typ.eps: Graphic of the distribution of homoplastic sites for Squamata example
  • Frogs.fas: Clustal X alignment of the part of nucleotide sequences (12Sr RNA to 16Sr RNA) of frogs
  • Frogs_out.fas:Output file of the program noisy with cutoff 0.8 - part of nucleotide sequences (12Sr RNA to 16Sr RNA) of frogs
  • Statistics of the alignment and the output of the program noisy - part of nucleotide sequences (12Sr RNA to 16Sr RNA) of frogs
  • Frogs_typ.eps: Graphic of the distribution of homoplastic sites for frogs example